INSYNCDX Solutions

Our Company

Our Company

Our Company

Collectively, the InSyncDx SolutionsSM leadership team has over 100 years of experience managing and providing care in nonprofit and for-profit entities. We founded the company to help hospitals and healthcare systems achieve their financial and clinical outcome goals.

Our mission is to be the one trusted partner to help delivery systems reduce their aggregate costs of care and improve revenue. The transition to more value-based reimbursement models requires that hospitals and healthcare systems reevaluate their care processes.

InSyncDx is uniquely qualified to assist hospitals and healthcare systems of all sizes in identifying opportunities to minimize variations in care and then implementing solutions that will enhance the bottom line and lead to better patient-provider experiences.

InSyncDx focuses on hospitals and health systems’ clinical laboratory services because the clinical lab:

  • Generates 70% of the objective data in patients’ medical records
  • Is a critical part of every patient’s care continuum
  • Either triggers or confirms almost every patient treatment decision
  • Plays a vital role in value-based care that is not yet fully appreciated

The InSyncDx Scientific Advisory Board

InSyncDx is proud and honored to have several distinguished physicians on our Scientific Advisory Board who are recognized as thought leaders within and beyond their area of expertise. These renowned specialists have served in key leadership roles at some of the world’s most highly respected medical facilities, institutions, and organizations. In the course of their careers, they have shared their wealth of knowledge and experience through lectures and presentations at annual medical conferences, in published manuscripts and articles, and by serving on and chairing an impressive list of boards, councils, and panels at leading medical associations, foundations, public health agencies, and peer-reviewed journals.

The Scientific Advisory Board is an invaluable component of the InSyncDx team. Along with providing clinical guidance, the board members assist our team in identifying opportunities during the DiscoverDx and EngageDx steps of the InSyncDx process. They all continue to be active in publishing materials, some of which will be posted on our website in the future.

Currently, our Scientific Advisory Board consists of: